Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Gardening (or Something Else I'm Trying in Retirement)

DH and I belong to a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) so we have a lot of fresh vegetables each week as you can see in the photo of this week's share.

But, I've been thinking that last year there didn’t seem to be enough cucumbers, tomatoes and zucchini (yes, zucchini – I know, I know, if I wanted more I just should have left my car unlocked and some would appear!) This year I decided to start a small garden. DH built a raised bed for me for Mother’s Day and we bought some plants – just 9 tomatoes, 3 cucumbers and 2 zucchini. We also planted a row of arugala, which DH loves.

The plants were tiny when I first planted them, but they have really grown as you can see in the photo below. There are three tiny zucchini and the tomato plants have flowers. DH ate the arugala thinnings and now the plants are big enough to pick leaves each night for salad.

The next project will be a shade perennial garden.

Believe it or not, this used to be a very nice seating area before we built the deck, but after years of neglect it is so overgrown that it’s hard to picture how it will look as a garden. I’ll keep you posted on my progress.

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